The Domino Effect in Writing
When we think of dominoes, our minds likely conjure images in which a minor nudging causes thousands of tiles to tumble into an elegant cascade. The same principle can be applied to writing: just a few subtle shifts can send stories crashing down in rhythmic form. The Domino Effect refers to how an action taken in one part of a story causes events in other parts–it’s an essential tool for plotting novels and making sure scenes advance the plotline.
What is a Domino? A domino is a small rectangular block made of wood or plastic with either blank or identically-patterned faces and an arrangement of dots similar to dice, featuring dots resembling those found on dice. A domino usually sports one pip representing each number that it represents on dice; sometimes this pip may also serve as its top marker. There are various versions of dominoes games but most involve placing tiles so each adjacent side contains an end with the same number of spots as found on a domino being played out – tiles may feature smooth or textured surfaces and be colored so players can more easily distinguishing the different ends from each other!
Dependent upon the game variation, the first player to place a domino may initiate play by “knocking” or rapping the table with his hand, starting a domino chain reaction that lasts until either all remaining tiles have been played, or one or both players cannot add more tiles of their own. Partnership winners usually feature those whose combined sum of all remaining pip tiles is lowest.
A basic domino game involves two sets of 28 tiles shuffled together – known as the boneyard or stock. Players draw seven tiles from this pool when beginning play; when an inability to place tiles results in passing their turn more than twice, the game ends and points are awarded accordingly to winning partner(s).
While domino games resemble card games in some respects, most blocking and scoring games involve emptying your opponents’ hands or blocking them from making play–or simply awarding points to those who reach a given target score in a set number of rounds. Certain domino games like Bergen or Muggins even require players to count up remaining tiles on opponents’ remaining hands to score points for success!
Are You Up For a Challenge with Domino Art? For those with some extra free time and looking to expand their minds, designing a domino track or layout to follow when pieces fall is an excellent way to stimulate the brain and have some fun at the same time! Designs may include straight or curved lines, grids that form pictures or towers and pyramids; many online communities provide information and advice regarding this hobby as well.